电话号码 英文(电话号码英文表达方式)




country 国家 cleaner 清洁工

singer 歌唱家 dancer 舞蹈家

factory 工厂 worker 工人

postman 邮递员 businessman 商人;企业家

police officer 警察


In Australia 在澳大利亚 other countries 其他国家

head teacher 校长 taxi driver 出租车司机

football player 足球运动员


That’s nice. 那太棒了。


( A )1.A、country B、Canada C、China

( C )2.A、singer B、dancer C、bear

( A )3.A、hospital B、doctor C、nurse

( A )4.A、factory B、cleaner C、postman

( B )5.A、cook B、student C、actor

( A )6.A、watermelon B、storybook C、dictionary

( C )7.A、mother B、aunt C、brother


( A )1.A、police B、sofa C、those

( C )2.A、blackboard B、factory C、grape

( C )3.A、breakfast B、head C、clean

( C )4.A、fox B、short C、dollar

( B )5.A、June B、full C、blue

( B )6.A、worker B、term C、driver

( C )7.A、pencil B、went C、pretty


1、 No, I want to be a businessman.

2、 Is your father a postman?

3、 I want to be a football player.

4、 His uncle is a police officer.

5、— What does he do?

— He’s a businessman. (他是商人)


1、I A a doctor one day.

A、am going to be B、am going to C、am going be

2、—What B your brother ?

—He is a dancer.

A、do ; do B、does ;do C、does ; does

3、— What A you want to be?

— I want to be a teacher.

A、do B、did C、does

4、— B

— She is a singer。

A、What is your sister?

B、What does your sister do?

C、What is your sister doing?

5、— C is your aunt’s job?

— She is a cook.

A、How B、Where C、What





fisherman 渔民 sea 大海

stay 保持 scientist 科学家

pilot 飞行员 coach 教练

university 大学 list 清单

compare 比较 partner 伙伴

different 不相同的 both 二者都

title 标题 gym 体育馆

tip 提示 if 如果

reporter 记者 use 使用

type 打字 quickly 迅速地

allow 准许 secretary 秘书

real 真实的 camp 营地

information信息 signaure 签名


at sea 在海上 lots of 许多

by boat 乘船 go to work 上班

by bike 骑自行车 healthy life 健康的生活

work hard 努力工作 stay health 保持健康

study hard 努力学习 on a boat 在船上

every day 每天 how many 多少

be good at 擅长 after school 放学后

sports reporter 体育记者 PE teacher 体育老师

use computers 用电脑 the Real World Camp 真实世界度假营

phone number 电话号码


I see. 我明白了。/我知道了。


( C )1.A、fisherman B、scientist C、job

( A )2.A、university B、teacher C、student

( C )3.A、tree B、sea C、nature

( C )4.A、gym B、library C、building

( A )5.A、walk B、subway C、train

( C )6.A、aunt B、cousin C、family

( B )7.A、stayed B、studies C、wrote


( C )1.A、fisherman B、office C、child

( C )2.A、sure B、July C、shoe

( B )3.A、cow B、lower C、brown

( A )4.A、policeman B、basket C、everyone

( B )5.A、forty B、from C、horse

( A )6.A、early B、hear C、dear

( C )7.A、window B、snowy C、town


1、He works very hard and stays healthy.

2、We should study hard and stay healthy, too.

3、He is good at football, ping-pong and basketball.

4、 Robin wants to be a scientist like Wu Yifan’s grandfather.

5、— Where does he work?

— He works at sea.

6、— How does he go to work? By boat?

— No, He works on a boat. He goes to work by bike.


1、— C does he work?

— He work in a library.

A、How B、What C、Where

2、—How B your sister go to work?

—She goes to work by bus.

A、do B、does C、is

3、He reads this book and B an apple.

A、eat B、eats C、ate

4、You should C more vegetables and fruits.

A、eating B、eats C、eat

5、She B her bedroom every day.

A、cleaned B、cleans C、cleaning




unusual 不寻常的,与众不同的 lion 狮子

tamer 驯兽师 dangerous 危险的

bee 蜜蜂 sting 蛰,刺

texter 测试员 assistant 助理,助手

magician 魔术师 nut 坚果

cracker 爆竹,破碎机,破密高手 honey 蜂蜜


think of 想起,想到 how about 如何,怎么样

what about 如何,怎么样 at home 在家

lion tamer 驯狮师 bee famer 养蜂人

play games 玩游戏 computer game tester 电脑游戏测试员

magician’s assistant 魔术师助手 nut cracker 坚果粉碎钳,坚果粉碎者

unusual job 不寻常的工作


( B )1.A、dangerous B、often C、exciting

( C )2.A、tamer B、magician C、zoo

( C )3.A、bee B、butterfly C、monkey

( A )4.A、sing B、took C、stayed

( A )5.A、job B、assistant C、tester

( B )6.A、windy B、weather C、sunny

( C )7.A、of B、about C、try


( A )1.A、tamer B、camera C、capital

( B )2.A、dangerous B、ours C、delicious

( C )3.A、husband B、nut C、push

( B )4.A、sting B、minus C、city

( C )5.A、really B、theatre C、mean

( A )6.A、believe B、blanket C、jacket

( B )7.A、sock B、forty C、clock


1、 C beautiful flowers!

A、What B、Where C、How

2、— A

— I want to be a magician.

A、What do you want to be B、How do you want to be

C、Where do you want to be?

3、My father is good at A .

A、playing football B、play footballC、played football

4. —Does Zip want to have an unusual job?

— A .

A、Yes, he does. B、Yes, he do.C、No, he do.


1.—Wow! E

—Yes. What other unusual jobs can you think of?

2.— D

— Oh, no. Too dangerous!

3.—What about a bee farmer? I love honey.

— Hmm. B . That is not for me.

4.—Maybe you can be a computer game tester. You can play games and work at home.

—I like to study. A

5.—What about a magician’s assistant? That would be cool.

—Oh, no. I don’t like that.

—Well, F

6.— C Yum! I like eating nuts.

—Haha! You’re nuts!



一、1.B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. A

二、1. C 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B

三、1. worker 2. postman3. scientist4. university5. coach


4.being(be) 5.on(by)

五、1.We should study hard and stay healthy, too. (我们也应该努力学习并保持健康。)

2.Robin wants to be a scientist like Wu Yifan’s grandfather. (罗宾想成为像吴一凡的爷爷一样的科学家。)

3.He works very hard and stays healthy. (他非常努力地工作并保持健康。)

4.How does he go to work? ( 他怎么上班?)

5.He is good at football, ping-pong and basketball. (他擅长足球、乒乓球和篮球。)

六、1. fisherman sea 2.coach gym 3. Pilot plane

4. worker factory 5. scientist university

七、1. B

2. C 

3. A 

4. B

5. C

6. A

7. C

8. B

9. C 

10. A 

九、1. F 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. F


上一篇 2022年4月30日 下午7:41
下一篇 2022年4月30日 下午8:28


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