
problems of Adolescents’ Internet Addiction青少年网络成瘾问题

With the popularity and escalating of Internet inChina, internet addiction among minors has beenrecognized as a wide spectrum of social problems, which permits of no delay.


A numerical example has revealed that about 8 million Chinese adolescents are suffering from theharassment of net addiction and 13% of the non-addicts show the disposition. Strands of problems induced by net addiction are very shockingand our parents should beware. Some youth tend to skip school or detach from home. Somecouldn’t articulate good conversation with other fellow students. Living in their own castles, they are queer, stubborn and indifferent, even hostile to their familiar classmates andrelatives; some form eccentric and versatile temperaments; some indulge themselves onthe internet and willingly degenerate (degraded) from day to night; some even racket(blackmail) timid classmates or even commit theft as a burglar, so as to make a blunder. Also, some adolescents are suffering from short eyesight, muscle jerks or other physiologicalhandicaps.





Quoting from an expert, who once presumed in a commentary on the criteria of netaddiction that one surfing the net more than 6 hours a day should be strong indicatives of netaddiction. Adolescents would waste much of time in indulging on the internet, whichcontradicts with their duty of studies, therefore it is a problem with no bypassing.


After net addiction looms up, some schools have adopted versatile measures: some sent outspecial patrols to deport the students out of internet bars; some signed a petition to boycottnet games; some took subsidiary measures such as publishing a concise “holiday brochure” to guide the students to actively enjoy their pastimes.





Psychologists deem that it should be an effective way to suppress and inhibit net addictionby assuring the standard of youth’s access to net in permissible time.


Rather than denounce or detain him, the school and family should actively make a coalitiononce a young addict is discovered. Only under the dual guidance of school and family canconspicuous effects be achieved.




For those heavy addicts, guardians should escort them to go to school and come back home, offset their idle time with enjoyment, dilute their dependence on the net.


Incidentally, parents should respect their children’s right of privacy. To eradicate the problemof internet addiction, the optimum recipe is right guidance and scientific supervision.



上一篇 2022年5月10日 上午3:43
下一篇 2022年5月10日 上午4:09


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