

Topic2 We should learn teamwork.


ill adj.有病的;不健康的[?l]

My sister is ill,my mother has to stay at home to look after her.


fall ill患病,病倒

mind v.介意;关心;n.思想,想法[ma?nd]

I don’t mind what you think of me.


kick v.踢,踹;踢腿[k?k]

He kicked the dog.他踢了那条狗。

pass v.传球;传递;经过;推移;及格[pɑ?s]

Please pass the basketball to me.


give sb. a hand帮某人一个忙

In my most difficult time, she gave me a big hand.在我最困难的时候,她给了我很大的帮助。

do well in在某方面做得好

Xiao Ming is good at learning chemistry.

=Xiao Ming does well in his chemistry.


certainly adv.当然,确定,肯定[‘s??t?nli]

—–Would you like to go to the library with me?你愿意和我一起去图书馆吗?

—–Of course/Certainly!当然/肯定!

somewhere adv.在某处[‘s?mhwe?]

throw v.扔,投,掷[θr??]

shout at sb.斥责(某人);对某人大声说

He always likes to shout at people, and everyone doesn’t like him.他总是喜欢对人大喊大叫,大家都不喜欢他。

fight v.争论;打仗(架),n.打仗(架),争论[fa?t]

People who like to quarrel /fight are not welcome.喜欢吵架的人不受欢迎。

do one’s best尽某人最大努力

We should do our best to prevent the new coronavirus.我们应该尽最大努力预防新冠病毒。

teamwork n. 协同工作,配合[‘ti?mw??k]

In the competition, teamwork is very important.在竞争中,团队合作是很重要的。

angry adj.发怒的,愤怒的,生气的[‘??gri]

be angry with对…生气

talk about谈论,讨论

Students are discussing a problem warmly.学生们正在热烈地讨论一个问题。

nothing pron.无关紧要的东西;没有什么[‘n?θ??]

He has nothing to do with it.


finish v.完成,做好n.最后部分,结尾,结局[‘f?n??]


invent v.发明,创造[?n’vent]

Everyone knows that Edison invented the light bulb.大家都知道是爱迪生发明了灯泡。

inventor n.发明者,发明家;创造者[?n’vent?]

court n.球场,运动场;法庭[k??t]

outdoors adv.在户外,在野外n.郊野,露天[a?t?d??z]

century n.世纪,百年[‘sent??ri]

at first起初,起先

indoor adj.室内的

Indoors temperature is higher than that outdoors.室内温度比室外高。

become v.变得,变成[b?’k?m]

into prep.进入,到…里面[‘?ntu?]

come into being形成,产生

Water below 0 ℃ will came into being ice.零度以下的水将形成冰。

goal n.目标;进球得分,射门[g??]

through prep.穿过,贯穿[θru?]

Snow White went through the forest and came to the river.白雪公主穿过森林来到河边。

side n.一边,一侧;一旁,侧面[sa?d]

There are many poplars on both sides of the road.路的两旁有许多白杨树。

basket n.(篮球运动的)篮;篮子[‘bɑ?sk?t]

In the morning, my mother went to the supermarket to buy a basket of vegetables.


follow v.遵守规则;跟随;仿效;跟得上[?f?l??]

Follow me, please.请跟我来。

Everyone should follow the traffic rules consciously.每个人都应该自觉遵守交通规则。

example n.例子,实例;样品[?g’zɑ?mpl]

for example例如,举例[f??//?g’zɑ?mpl]

hold v.抓住;举办;保持;包含[h??ld]

The 2008 Olympic Games were held in Beijing.2008年奥运会在北京举行。

skill n.技艺;技能[ski?]

as prep.作为,当作adv.&conj.像…一样,如同;因为[?z]

Tom studies as well as Jack.


than prep.(用以引出比较的第二部分)比[e?n]

score v.&n.得分;进球;[sk??]

What’s the score of your team?


lover n.爱好者;热爱者

He is a football fan/lover.他是个足球迷。

such pron.这样的,那样的,类似的[s?t?]

It is impossible to finish so much work in such a short time.在这么短的时间内完成这么多工作是不可能的。

cricket n.板球(运动)

Do you like cricket?你喜欢板球吗?

main adj.主要的;最重要的[me?n]

What is the main content of this article?


person n.人,个人[‘p??sn]

hero n.英雄,豪杰[?h??r??]

During the Anti Japanese War, many anti Japanese heroes appeared.抗日战争期间,出现了许多抗日英雄。

cup n.杯子,杯[k?p]

Have a cup of tea, please!请喝杯茶吧!

final adj.最终的,最后的,n.决赛[‘fa?nl]

grass n.草坪;草地[grɑ?s]

In summer, the grass in the park is green and beautiful.在夏天,公园里的草是绿色的,美丽的。

point n.得分;观点,要点v.(用手指头或物体)指[p??nt]

What’s your point?你的观点是什么?

It’s impolite to point at others.


hit v.击(球);碰撞[h?t]

Xiao Ming was hit down by a car yesterday.小明昨天被车撞倒了。

bat n.球棒;球拍;蝙蝠[b?t]

My brother bought two sets of bats.


Bats like to come out at night.


1. 词形转换

(1) adj. + ly → adv.

loud高声的 → loudly高声地

soft 软的→ softly轻声地、温柔地

quiet 安静的→ quietly安静地

clear清楚的、晴朗的 → clearly清楚地、晴朗地

angry生气的 → angrily生气地

easy 容易的→ easily容易地


fall → fell 落下

break → broke打破、违犯

lose →lost浪费、错过、迷路

He lost his way in the forest.


throw → threw扔

feel → felt 感觉


ill (同义词)→sick 生病→(名词)illness 疾病

The patient has a strange disease/illness.这个病人得了一种奇怪的疾病。

start→(同义词)begin 开始

far远的→(反义词)near 近的


careless粗心的→(反义词)careful 细心的

Xiao Ming is a careless child. He always makes mistakes in his homework.小明是个粗心的孩子。他的作业总是出错。

important重要的→(比较级) more important 更重要的

Xiao Ming thinks that learning Chinese is more important than learning English.小明认为学习汉语比学习英语更重要。


invent发明→(名词)invention; inventor 发明家

This great inventor invented another great invention.这位伟大的发明家又发明了一项伟大的发明。

indoor室内的、户内的→(反义词)outdoor 户外的



feel感觉→ (名词)feeling



1. have a soccer game 进行一场足球赛

There was a football match between Class One of Grade Seven and Class Two of Grade Nine.七年级一班和九年级二班之间有一场足球比赛。

2. fall ill 病倒了

He fell ill due to long-term smoking.


3. be a little far from… 离……有点远

Our home is a little far from school.


4. right away = at once =in a minute立刻;马上

5. miss a good chance 错过一个好机会

Because of the rain, I missed a good opportunity/chance to travel.因为下雨,我错过了一个旅行的好机会。

6. get/miss a goal 得到/失去一分

Our team got a goal and their team missed a goal.我们队进了一个球得了一分,而他们队丢了一分。

7. shame on sb. 为某人感到羞耻

I’m really ashamed of my sister for stealing other people’s things.我妹妹偷别人的东西,我真为她感到羞耻。

8. do one’s best尽某人最大的努力

We need to do our best to keep the new coronavirus away from us.我们必须尽力避免感染新冠病毒。

9. say sorry to sb. 对某人说抱歉

10. be sure to do sth. 确定做某事

Are you sure you’re going to Canada tomorrow?你确定明天要去加拿大吗?

Are you sure you can do the problem?


11. be angry with… 生某人的气

I made a mistake. My father is getting angry with me.我犯了一个错误。我爸爸对我生气了。

12. with one’s help= with the help of sb. 在某人的帮助下

With the help of the teacher, I have made great progress.在老师的帮助下,我取得了很大的进步。

With my help, my mother learned to use the computer.在我的帮助下,妈妈学会了使用电脑。

13. serve food 上菜

The waiter served food on time.


14. turn up/down… 调高/低(音量)

Would you mind turning down the volume?你介意把音量关小一点吗?

15. keep sb. doing sth. 让某人一直做某事

Nowadays, parents always like to keep their children doing their homework all the time.现在,父母总是喜欢让他们的孩子一直做作业。

16. in a minute 一分钟后;马上

The plane will take off in a minute.

17. on the phone 在电话中

On the phone, my mother asked Xiao Ming to study hard.在电话里,妈妈让小明好好学习。

18. take a seat 就坐

People start taking a seat to cook at ten o’clock.人们在十点钟开始坐下来做饭。

19. never mind 从来不介意

He never mind the test scores.


20. a lot of traveling 一系列旅行

A series of trips/A lot of traveling broadened people’s horizons.一系列的旅行开阔了人们的视野。

21. love/enjoy doing sth. 喜爱做某事

I enjoy taking pictures in nature.


22. have a very exciting life 过着非常兴奋的生活

Xiao Ming lives a very exciting life every day. It seems that he is very happy.


People used to live a very hard life.


23. as well 也

Dad likes playing chess, and I like playing chess as well.爸爸喜欢下棋,我也喜欢下棋。

24. throw…into… 把……投进……

In order not to let the enemy discover our secret, he threw the letter into the stove.为了不让敌人发现我们的秘密,他把信扔进了炉子。

25. follow/obey the rules 遵守规则

Everyone must obey the traffic rules.


26. over a century later 一个多世纪后

More than /Over a century later, science and technology will be more and more developed.一个多世纪以后,科学技术会越来越发达。

27. more and more people 越来越多的人

Nowadays, more and more people begin to use digital currency.如今,越来越多的人开始使用数字货币。

28. feel tired 感到疲劳

I feel very tired after a day’s work.


29. instead of… 代替;而不是……

Xiao Ming is watching TV instead of doing his homework.小明在看电视而不是做作业。

30. ask sb. to do sth. 叫某人做某事

To prevent the novel coronavirus, the teacher asked the students to wear a mask when they went out.为了预防新型冠状病毒,老师让学生们出门要戴口罩。

31. make a plan for sb. 为某人制订一份计划

My father made a study plan for me.


32. build up 增进;增强

We keep exercising every day in order to strengthen/build up our physique.为了增强体质,我们每天坚持锻炼。

33. have fun doing sth. 乐于做…..做某事

I’m happy to help him with his English.


I have fun helping him with his English.


34. be important for 对于……来说是重要

It is very important for us to keep exercising.坚持锻炼对我们来说是非常重要的。

35. in a minute/ at once/ right away 立刻/马上

We’ll go to the hospital right away.



1. Could you please do me a favor?

= Could you help me?

= Could you give me a hand?


2. Would you mind teaching me?

= Would you please teach me?


3. Would you mind not smoking here? 你不要在这里抽烟好吗?

4. You are always so careless. 你总是这样粗心大意.

5. I’m very sorry for what I said. 我为所说感到到道歉。

6. We are sure to win next time 下次,我们一定回赢。

7. Let me buy you a new one.

= Let me buy a new one for you.


8. He invented an indoor game for his students so that they could play it even in bad weather. 他为他的学生们发明了一项室内运动以便他们甚至在恶劣的天气也能玩。

9. And you can throw it with one hand or both hands.你能用一只手或两只手投掷它。

10. I have great fun running and I feel well and look fit 我总是快乐地跑步和我感到很好,看上去很健康。


上一篇 2022年5月15日 上午7:52
下一篇 2022年5月15日 上午8:01


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