and or区别(and or的用法区别否定句)

祈使句+and/or+含有一般将来时的陈述句,该句型中and 表示前后句是条件关系,意思是“那么”,一般表示一种的肯定的结果;or 表示前后句是条件关系,意思是“否则”,一般表示一种否定的不利的结果。祈使句可以转换为if引导的条件状语从句,但这时要去掉连词and/or。

Listen carefully and you’ll umderstand it.

=If you listen carefully, you’ll umderstand it.


Use your head ,and you’ll have an idea.

=If you use your head, you’ll have an idea.


Take more exercise and you’ll become healthy.

=If you take more exercise, you’ll become healthy.


Miss another class and you’ll fail.

=If you miss another class,you’ll fall. 你再缺一次课就会不及格了。

Work hard, and you will pass the exams. =If you work hard,you will pass the exams.


Come early, and you will see the film star.=If you come early, you will see the film star. 早点来,你就可以看到这位电影明星。

Start early, or you will miss the early bus.

=If you don’t start early, you will miss the early bus.


Work hard and you will make progress. = If you work hard, you’ll make progress.



Hurry up, or we’ll be late for school. 快点,

=If you don’t hurry up, we’ll be late for school. 不然我们就会是上学迟到。

Get up or you’ll be late for school.

= If you don’t get up, you’ll be late for school. 起床吧,否则你上学会迟到了。

Keep to the path or you’ll lose your way. = If you don’t kep to the path, you’ll lose your way. 沿这条小道走,否则就要迷路。

Hurry up, or you will be late. = If you don’t hurry up, you will be late.



1. 考查祈使句句首的动词形式。祈使句句首用动词原形。如:

Just ______ to him, and you will see how clever he is!

A. to listen B. listen C. listened D. listening


2. 考查连词and与or的选择与辨析。看前后意思是否一致,若意思一致,则用and;若意思不一致,则用or。如:

Be quick, ______ you’ll miss the early bus.

A. and B. so C. but D. or


3. 考查陈述句中的动词时态。原则上用一般将来时。如:

8. Be quiet or you______ the whole house!

A. are waking B. have waken C. will wake D. wake




1. Use your head, ______ you’ll have an idea.

A. or B. and C. but D. so

2. ______ the road and you’ll find the building soon.

A. Follow B. Following C. Followed D. to follow

3. ______ your radio down, or you’ll wake the others.

A. Turning B. To turn C. Turned D. Turn

4. ______ a bit closer and you’ll be able to see better.

A. To come B. Coming C. Came D. Come

5. Make sure it is not too hot ______ it’ll burn your mouth.

A. and B. or C. yet D. so

6. Come on, ______ you’ll be late for school.

A. but B. and C. or D. so

7. Keep to the path or you ______ your way.

A. are losing B. have lost C. will lose D. lose

8. Don’t say that again or you______ into trouble.

A. have got B. are getting C. will get D. get

9. Do as the doctor says, ______ your cough will get worse.

A. or B. and C. then D. so

10. Don’t stand there, Tom, _____ you’ll bang your head.

A. or B. and C. but D. so

11. Don’t eat so much, ______ you will become fat.

A. but B. and C. or D. so

12. ______ to the teacher carefully, or you’ll miss what he says.

A. Listening B. To listen C. Listened D. Listen

13. Come home in time, or you mother ______ about you.

A. will worry B. worries C. to worry D. worried

14. Do it carefully, ______ you’ll make a mistake.

A. but B. and C. or D. so


【参考答案】1—5 BADDB 6—10 CCCAA 11—14 CDAC


上一篇 2022年5月10日 上午12:27
下一篇 2022年5月10日 上午12:49


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